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新世纪版八年级下册《Unit Two Campus Life Lesson 2 At the School Library》精品说课课件ppt

3.Jane always previews the lessons. She can answer the teacher’s questions in that class.

4.I can recite them. I review the lessons over and over.

5.She did her best to speak louder. All the people could hear her clearly.

I will find more examples so that I can learn how to use this word.

They worked hard so that they could go back home earlier.

Jane always previews the lessons so that

she can answer the teacher’s questions in that class.

I review the lessons over and over so that I can recite them.

She did her best to speak louder so that

all the people could hear her clearly.

Rewrite the sentences with “so that” 1. The old man takes more exercise in order to live longer. 2. John read the book again in order to get more information from it. 3. They tried to make the wall newspaper more interesting in order to attract more readers. 4. Mary is going to borrow some books from the library in order to do a project on Western culture.

John read the book again

so that he could get more information from it.

The old man takes more exercise so that he can live longer.

They tried to make the wall newspaper more interesting

so that they could attract more readers.

Mary is going to borrow some books from the library

so that she can do a project on Western culture.

.What does ‘so that’ mean?

.Where can we put the so that clause? Before or after the main clause?

.What’s the difference between ‘so that’ and ‘in order to’?

.How can you rewrite the above two so that clause with in order to?

Discuss the questions below:

They got up early in order to catch the first bus.

1. What does ‘so that’ mean?