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新世纪版八年级下册英语《Unit One Language Learning Lesson 2 An Interview with a Good Language Learner》集体备课ppt课件

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新世纪版八年级下册英语《Unit One Language Learning Lesson 2 An Interview with a Good Language Learner》集体备课ppt课件

He practises hard in order to improve his English listening and

speaking skills.

I want to be either an English teacher or a scientist when I grow up.

I hope your dream will come true.

It is necessary to take every opportunity to improve your reading and writing skills.

You should get into the habit of thinking in English. When you read some interesting words in Chinese, try to translate them into English.

In order to learn English well , we must take every opportunity to practise our English .

- Li Hui had studied in Canada for almost eight years before he came to China .

- No wonder he can speak perfect English .

The teacher has got the students into the habit of reading aloud .

A library in the West is more than just a place to store books . It

provides us with a lot of information .

My father always complains to me of my poor study .

It’s a great honour for me to be the first prize winner in the speech contest .

Tom , monitor of our class improved his writing skills by keeping

a diary .

Do you know the English saying , “Practice makes perfect . ”

With a good command of English , we can communicate with people from abroad .

Could you translate the sentence into French , Mary ?

Have you ever read the great novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy ?

Joan has her own method of learning English .



