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新世纪版英语九年级上册《Unit Three Science and Technology Lesson 3 Owning a Car》多媒体精品ppt课件

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新世纪版英语九年级上册《Unit Three Science and Technology Lesson 3 Owning a Car》多媒体精品ppt课件

Read the text(a-c) and the material (d-f). Are these statements true or false?

If Mr. Zhang walks to work, the time he spends on the way will be shortened.

According to Miss Wang, she would prefer to travel by underground and light rail.

After the debate, the hostess is in favour of having her own car.

his commuting time

public transport

owning a car

Read the text(a-c) and the material (d-f). Are these statements true or false?

Cars bring us a lot of convenience. For example, the whole family can go sightseeing by car at weekends.

After the invention of cars, people can enjoy their holiday by travelling to the nearby countries.

There is no doubt that owning a car is convenient.

make our lives convenient

travelling far

it is convenient (for people) to own a car

/more comfortable

First, time will be saved. If a family has a car, parents’ ___________ can be shortened. Family members will have more time for work and fun.

According to the expert, more and more people choose to ___________ in their cars.

In my opinion, it is good for more people to __________. The main reasons are as follows.

Finally, __________ to move around freely.

For example, in winter, car owners don’t need to wait for___________ in freezing weather.

Second, cars __________.

commuting time

travel far

own cars

it is convenient for people