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牛津译林版(2019)必修二《Unit 2 Be sporty,be healthy》Reading 3优秀教学课件

To understand the benefits of exercise.

To know some scientific ways to be healthy.

To know the characteristics of a good guide, and use cautious language to avoid overgeneralizing.

Health and fitness

How do you keep fit?

List different ways of getting fit.

Look at the posters.

What sports events do you like to watch? Which sport would you like to try?


Besides the sports events mentioned in the posters, what other sports or events would you like to watch or try?

Among all the events, which one is your favorite? Why? How often do you do it?

Many people are interested in getting into shape but are uncertain about how to start. The guide below gives information on exercise for beginners. Before you read the guide, think about the following questions.

What might prevent people from starting exercise?

What kind of information do you think this guide will give?

What might prevent people from starting exercise?

Most people have to study or work very hard so they might say that they are too tired or don’t have enough time during the day. Some people do not know how to exercise properly, so they might feel embarrassed to try. Also, some believe that it is expensive to exercise because they think they have to join a club or hire a trainer.

Predicting the main idea of a text

Before reading a text, take a brief look at the title, subheadings or pictures in it. Then try to guess what important information the text is going to give. By making predictions, you connect the text you are going to read with your background knowledge and become a more active reader.

What kind of information do you think this guide will give?

I think it will talk about the benefits of exercise and how to start exercising. It may also offer some tips about how to make an exercise plan and what to wear during the exercise.