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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点六年级上册Lesson 11下载详情

人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 11》精品教案下载-镇江市优质课

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1.Have a match: watch TV and say the phases quickly .

2.Chant the phases together.

3.Ask and answer the sentences : What are you interested in? I’m interested in _____.

Step 3 presentation:

1.Watch TV and know the hobby, then talk about the hobbies of Lisa ,Yang Ming and Zhou Pei .

2. Ask the three questions : 1.What is Zhou Pei interested in ? 2.What is Yang Ming interested in ? 3.What is Lisa interested in ?

3.Listen to the tape and then answer them .教学过程(问题、师生互动4.Listen again and check the answers, then learn and practice the phases two by two .

5.Use the hobby to ask :What are you interested in ? Then let students answer :I’m interested in _____.

6.Pattention the letter “ing” and then practice it in the words..

7.Listen and read the text following the tape .

8.Use “take photos’ to describe these two photos , and then describe together.

9.Use the sentence to learn the words :CCTV hospital .

10.Make everyone to like the hobbies .

11.Open books and read together and then read by themselves .

12.Read by themselves quickly and read to the partners.

13.Read in groups by sub role and read by sub role together.

14.Try to recite and the recite together.

15. Talk about in groups and try to make up dialogues , then act the dialogues.

16.Read the story and do the exercises.

17. Let students love the hobbies and love their life.

18.Let’s say goodbye . 板

计Lesson 11 T1 T2 T3 T4

What are you interested in ?

I’m interested in反思
