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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点五年级上册Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger.下载详情
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Moral Aims:

1. Encourage students to save and cherish food.

2. Boost students’ confidence and improve their self-esteem.


1. The new words about food are difficult to read and say.

2. The sentences are very hard to say frequently.

教学目标:Teaching Procedure:

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Organization of class 1.Greetings:

T:Hello, good morning, boys and girls ! Nice to meet you! ……

2.Warm-up activities:stand up, sit down, jump up...

3. Declare the rules of our class competition: If you did a good job, you can go up and then open the secret gift.

Step2. Lead-in T:

Can you guess: what do I like? You like.....

Guide students to say words about food, then induct our topic: food.

Step3 Presentation and drill

T shows students three pictures and asks them if put them together, what is it. Then teach the word: sandwich; a sandwich; two sandwiches.

T cuts the picture of a hamburger into three parts and ask students to guess what is it. Then induct the new word: hamburger; a hamburger; two hamburgers.

T tells students that this is an animal, it can swim, then do the actions. T guides students to learn the new word: fish. And explain the difference between a hamburger and some fish.

T plays a recording of a cow and asks students to guess what is it. Then teach the new word: beef; some beef.

T plays lucky number game with the students and review all the new words.

T create a special situation and pretends to order in a restaurant. Then induct the new sentences: what would you like? I’d like _______.

T put all the new words and sentences into a chant, and guides students to read the chant and create a new chant by themselves.

Step 4 Consolidation

Pair work together.

A: Hello!

B: Hello!

A: What would you like?

B: I’d like a hamburger.

What would you like?
