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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点六年级下册Unit 7 I'm not afraid.下载详情
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Enable students to use sentences pattern, like: I’m t… and I’m not…

Teaching difficult part:

Help students to express their feelings in the real communication situation.Teaching toolsWord cards, Type,CAI, Drawing Instrument课 时 安 排共三课时上课时间教学过程设计和安排★教学再设计Step 1 Warm--up


T: Good morning, babies, are you happy today?

Ss : Good morning,Miss Dai, I’m happy.

Sing a song. The happy song.

Step2 Presentation

New words

Great a special situation. Miss Dai watched a movie, Harry potter, last night.

(1) tired

T:Babies, last night, I watched a movie, and I went to bed too late,. So, I’ m tired now. Tired, clear?

S1:yes, say it in Chinese.

T: Read it and spell it. (出示卡片,.板书,并带读)

Are you tired today?

S1: Yes, I am tired.

S2: No , I am not tired.

monster, afraid , afraid of

T: I’m tired because I love to watch this movie. I want to share it with you, please enjoy it .(展示影片)

We can see something terrible, Let’s have a look.

Look at this monster.(出示卡片, 板书,带读)

I’m afraid .I’m afraid of the monster.

区分afraid 与afraid of的用法

T:Look at the monster here! Are you afraid of it?

S1: I’m afraid .I’m afraid of the monster.

S2:I’m not afraid .

T: What are you afraid of?

S1: .I’m afraid of tigers.

S2: I’m afraid of lions.

S3: I’m afraid of snakes.
