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T: I’m fine too. Thank you!

2. Warming-up

Part1. Let’s work in pairs.

Ask students to look at the pictures. Say something about the pictures. Then, let the students talk about the pictures using the sentence pattern: “ How much does it cost? It costs___, so you need to pay ___ for it.”

Part2. let’s work in groups.

I want to help them. But how can we help them?

We can raise money to help them.

But how can we raise money?

We can _____ to raise money.

Good idea!

【设计思路】本课的话题是筹钱, 所以设计让同学们两人和分小组分别对本课所涉及的话题进行对话练习,以便更好的展开本课的内容。

Step2 Listening

Listen to the dialogue two times:

First time: listen and choose T or F.

Second time: Listen carefully and find the answers to the questions.

Question1: when will they have a bake sale?

Question2: How much does Brain’s cookies cost?


Step3 Reading

First time: read the dialogue quickly to get a general idea. To check the effect of reading, let the students do the exercise of T or F.

Second time: read the dialogue again. This time, read it carefully and pay attention to different people's ways of raising money. In order to help the students to understand the text deeply, let the students act out the dialogue.


Step4: Let’s play a game. “Hit the eggs”

Translate: something delicious: 好吃的东西

Try to read and translate: Each player needs to pay 150 dollars. 每个选手需要付150美元。

Can you guess its meaning: poster: 海报

变否定句:I think he is right. ------ I don’t think he is right.

Put it together: 1). I think. Everybody likes cookies. ------- I think everybody likes cookies. 2). Do you know? Our basketball team is going to play in another city. ------ Do you know our basketball team is going to play in another city?


Step5: Sum up


