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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life下载详情
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be unable to do something (be not able to do something)

③ She enjoys encouraging her daughter to play the piano.

⑵能力目标: 发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能力,培养学生语言综合运用能力。

⑶情感、态度和价值观: 通过学习本文主人公Jane对生活的积极乐观态度,使学生对生活充满积极向上的态度,培养学生要用健康的心理对待生活和学习,使学生形成积极的情感态度,学会善待生命,善待他人,尤其是残疾人。同时鼓励学生主动思维,大胆表述,提高语言的实际运用能力。


⑴重点句子: She is unable to do many things.

She enjoys encouraging her daughter to play the piano.

⑵难点: Let’s do it! Which of these things do you think is the most important: money, family, jobs, health, good looks or friends? Why? Try using this phrase to express their own ideas: I think that_______ is the most important because________.

培养学生熟练运用语言进行交际的能力,让学生运用所学知识向自己的伙伴、朋友谈论 money , family,jobs , health , good looks , friends的重要性及原因。学生词汇量由于有限,口语表达能力欠缺,设置为小作文的形式让学生自由表达,以降低难度。


本课采用任务型阅读教学法,用 If you are a disabled person, what do you do ?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。采用提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。同时,使用多媒体,增强趣味性,活跃课堂气氛,加大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。




Step Ⅰ. Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ. Warming-up questions:

T: Do you know Helen Keller? S 1 : Yes, I know. T: Can you say something about her? S 1 : I only know she is a very famous writer, but she is blind. T: Yeah. You are right. She is a disabled person. Thank you. Sit down, please.(To the whole class) Now class, do you know another disabled people? Can you give me their names? S 2 : Zhang Haidi and Sang Lan. T: Thank you.(To the whole class) Now class, you know Zhang Haidi,Sang Lan and Helen Keller are all disabled everyone, but do you know what is their attitude toward life?

Suppose: If you don’t have arms or legs, what do you do?

? If you can’t see anything, what do you do?

? If you can’t hear anybody say something, what do you do?

S 3 : I’ll buy a wheelchair to help me.

S 4 : I’ll be very sad and cry all the time.

S 5 : I’ll try my best to touch everything in the world.

T: OK, stop here. Please listen to me carefully, that is my answers: ? If I were a blind person, I would use my ears to listen to the sound of the world carefully. If I were a deaf people, I would use my eyes to say the beauty of the world. If I don’t have arms or legs, I can use my heart to feel the world, and try my best to enjoy the life.




Step Ⅲ.Listening

Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. And try to answer the following question: What happened to Jane when she was ten years old?

Correct the answer.

