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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级上册Unit 3 This is my friend.下载详情
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Warm up. Sing a “Good morning ”song together. Then I will make “quick answer” with students to give them a brain storm.

Teach new words. Show some pictures to present them. And ask students to practice.

Show a video of “Peppa” to lead in the main item----Introduce people and let students summarize the way.

Call attention to the dialogue. First, read after it. Then, practice in group of three. Finally, act it out.

It’s time for students to introduce their friends. Ask several students to do this.

Call attention to the other dialogue and ask students to learn in groups. Then show the results.

The game time. Ask four groups to choose its part. There are four games. Two of them are the exercise in the text book. Another is a letter game. The last is dubbing game which is the most interesting .

Practice. This is an activity called “Find someone who…” In this lesson, I ask them to find someone who is their friend. They will mainly ask “what is your name?” After finding the friends, he must introduce them to students with “This is …”

Then we enjoy a song “Make new friends”. Although you find new friends, please don’t forget your new friends. They are the treasure in our lives.

Let a student summarize the whole lesson.

Homework: introduce your friends to your family member and write down the dialogue.

