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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.下载详情
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Students can express their ideas much better. It can strengthen the friendship of them.


The position and the function of the teaching material: The material I choose is from students’ book two in grade seven. It is published by foreign language teaching and research press. That is module 4 unit 1 Everyone will study at home. The teaching material is prepared in accordance with the new curriculum. It is combined with everyday activities. It emphasizes on the enthusiasm of students and stimulates the students’ interest in studying. In this class, it emphasizes on how to express the future actions and life.


学会准确使用一般将来时的基本句型“will + do”描述未来的学校生活。


活动1 导入

Review: greeting and welcome the teachers.

Two students in front, just like two hostesses. They are talking about the knowledge that have been learnt before. Two hostesses ask the questions. “What are you going to do this weekend?”

Students answer like this, according to the pictures on the computer.

I’m going to check my email and do my homework.

I’m going to have a piano lesson this weekend.

I’m going to get up early this weekend.

I’m going to stay in bed.

I’m going to go over lessons and buy some clothes.

Aims: 活跃课堂气氛,复习,口头上的练习内容为第三模块“be going to”的用法以及上个模块所学的重点词组。

活动2 新授

T: Just now everyone of you did a very good job. I am so happy. Today Let’s learn Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. ( write the title of this unit on the blackboard.)

1. Look at the PPT. Learn the new words: future and will. Read the titles aloud after the teacher.

Aim: 引出本单元重点,“will”的用法。


3. 学生们根据图片内容对学习用具进行描述,复习并且学习本课新的词汇。同时,运用图片让学生转化。

T:let’s think what we use to study in our daily life. ?Look at the screen, and talk about what you usually use to study.

S: We usually use….

T: Of all the things here, what will you use to study in the future?

S: I will use…

T:Will students use pens? Will students use paper? Will students use erasers?

Students won’t use pens and paper or erasers any more! Will I use chalk on a blackboard? ?Teachers won’t use chalk on a blackboard.

[设计意图]学生们对自己的学习用具进行描述,复习已学过的词汇并且学习新的词汇。在这一环节中,主要目的是解决对话中出现的词汇和句法障碍,深度感知词汇,理解will do一般将来时的用法。在学生谈论他们实际的学习情况时,进行一般现在时与一般将来时的过渡训练


