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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.下载详情
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To understand conversations about future schools

To process information of future life in the listening material

To talk about the prospect of one’s own schoolEmotion & attitude(情感目标)

With?hope for a better future, cultivate?the spirit of optimismTeaching Important and difficult points(教学重点及难点)Key structures--will + v.原形

To talk about the prospect of one’s own schoolTeaching Aids(教学辅助)Tape recorder, Multi-media and worksheetTeaching Innovation(教学创新)Task-teaching 教学过程教学内容教学活动?设计意图Step 1: Lead-in1.Brain-storming.(Review and some new words in this Unit )( Attachment 1)

2.Lead in key structures-will + v.原形by asking and answering the question “What are you going to do at the weekend ? I am gonging to---”

T: What are you going to do at the weekend ?

S: I am going to do my homework at the weekend .

T: You will do your homework at the weekend

T: You will not do your homework at the weekend.

T: Will you do your homework at the weekend?

S: Yes, I will /No, I will not.

Like this, ask the students to work in pairs to review the future tense.

Free talk (work in pairs)

What will you do at this weekend?

-I will ......at this weekend.

-Will you ......on Sunday afternoon?

-Yes, I will /No, I will not/won't.

-Will he/she......? - Yes, he/she will. /No, he/she won't.(Attachment 2)?

通过用头脑风暴的方式对新单词的复习,使学生对本节课的话题进行感知: 用“be going to+do”引出“will+do”,使同学们在很自然的复习语境中导入到新课,为后面的听力训练作好铺垫。

Step 2: Pre-taskT: Where will we study in the future?

At school or at home?

S: Maybe at home .

T: How will we study at home? I will give you some tips.

T; Will students go to school or study at home?

Will students use books or computers?

Will the school be different in the future?教师通过问题,向学生们布置任务。“在将来怎样在家学习呢?”让学生以小组合作的方式探究答案。教师适当的给出提示,帮助同学们找到正确的答题方向。Step 3: While-task? Listen with your ear.

Task Ⅰ. listen and choose .

Task Ⅱ. Listen and answer the question.

