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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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By the end of the class, students will be able to

Use the following words and expressions:

be born, primary school, difficult, bored, movie theater, last, yesterday

Understand the following rules:

原形amisare一般过去式waswaswere一般过去式否定形式was notwas notwere not一般过去式否定缩写wasn’twasn’t weren’t

Use “be” correctly.

Write a short passage to introduce one’s past life by using “be” .

Anticipated difficulties:

Students might forget when it is necessary to change “be” into different form.

Students might find it difficult finish a piece of writing in a short period of time.

Planned solutions:

The teacher will remind students that they should pay attention to the forms of the verbs.

The teacher will offer more support while students are writing,for example, giving them more examples or main frame for them to add a little specific information.

Teaching aids: blackboard, PPT, handouts.

Teaching procedures:

Teaching ActivitiesLearning ActivitiesI. Warm up and Lead-in 2 minGreet the students, and tell students what we are going to do today .

Lead to the topic.Students predict what we are going to do today.

Students talk about the topic.II. Reviewing 3 minReview words.

Review phrases.

Review sentences.Students recollect words,phrases and sentences.

Students say the words, phrases and words loudly.III. Speaking 8 minFirst, let students observe the table and try to make sentences use the key words below the table.

Give them 3 minutes to discuss and collaborate on the dialogue.

Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue.Students observe the table and make sentences on their worksheet.

Students discuss and practice dialogues with their partners.

Some of the students stand up and act out their dialogue.IV. Checking answers 8 minCheck Activity 3, ask students to answer one by one.

Elicit them to find the rules

Write the rules on the blackboard and lead students to read the table.

Check Activity 4 and read

Students answer the questions in their students’ book..

Students are encouraged to find the rules.

