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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 1 It’s so beautiful!下载详情
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Teaching methods :

Listening and speaking.

Preparations before new lessons:

Go over the words and expressions on page 72.

Which types of music do you know? Can you describe what your feelings on different types of music? Then fill in the blanks below:

rock music noisy


Teaching procedures:

Step 1. warming up

Greet the class as usual, and lead out the topic today.

Show some pictures of some famous musicians and play music of them, let the student look at their photos, listen to the music, and guess who they are.

Teach the students to say the names of them.

Step 2. Pre-task.

Show some pictures and play different kinds of music.

Ask students to say the types, and encourage them to make comments on them.

Step 3. listening practice

Tell the students that Tony is talking with his parents about music. They have different opinions on different types of music .

Focus attention on the words in A1, allow students a few seconds on the words in it.

Tell the students that they will have a first chance to listen to the recording, and this time they’ll have to number the words as they listen.

Play the recording once, students listen and number.

Check the answers in pairs/groups, then as a whole class.

Show four questions on the screen, let the students go through them. Then tell them that they will have a second chance to listen again, and this time, get ready to answer the question.

Play the recording for the students to listen. After that, ask volunteers to raise their answers.

Check the answers as a whole class.

Step 4. listen and read

Draw students’ attention on A3, p 72.

Play the recording of the conversation, students listen and read silently following it.

Ask students in groups of four to roll play the conversation, ask them to pay more attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Offer help to the difficult words and phrases, make sure students can read correctly.

Step 5. Practice

