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2.Teach the word “snake” according to the riddle. Teach the words “long”and “short”according to the comparison of two different snakes. Learn the words “snake、long、short”. 在讲授完新授单词long与 short后,让学生利用身边的实物进行练习。学习英语的最终目的在于回归生活。真实的语言环境增加了学生学习英语的有效性。 3.Teach the word “tiger” according to keyword prompts. Teach sentence pattern“Its…is/are…”according to the picture. Learn the word “tiger”and sentence pattern“Its…is/are…”. Let the students wave their arms to read it. 在新授句型时,通过tiger,bear学生自己的描述,培养学生在获取知识的过程中积极主动发现、分析、理解并掌握句型的基本结构,培养学生的自主学习能力。 4.Teach the word “bear” according to the puzzle. Learn the word “bear”.let the students read it by shake their body. 2. Listen, read and tick. Listen to the text then students read the text carefully and tick the right answers. 通过听读课文。以听力为抓手,课文中涉及的内容以练习的形式出现。帮助学生理解语篇,培养学生良好的朗读习惯。跟读环节让学生模仿发音,规范学生正确的语音语调。 Step4. Practice Play games.1.speak the words.2. Guessing animals by spin game. 目的是对新授知识进行巩固练习。 Step5. Production Talk about the animals. Group work: a. Talk about your favourite animals. b. Make a dialogue about animals. Students choose one of the tasks and finish it. 在这一环节,让学生以小组合作的形式,自由讨论或自编对话,进行语言输出,把更多的课堂学习时间和自由支配时间留给学生。不但增强了学生自主学习的能力,而且极大的培养了学生用英语做事情的能力。

Step6. Class Closing 1.Homework. a.Draw a picture about animals. b.Try to describe the animals to your friends. Choose the Homework. 作业是课堂的延伸与补充。分层作业照顾了不同学生的需求,让每个学生都能在自身基础上得到锻炼与发展。

Summary Let students enjoy some beautiful pictures about human and animals. Then let students read the sentences together: Animals are our friends. We love animals. Students enjoy the pictures and read the sentences. 通过让学生欣赏一些人与动物和谐相处的图片,培养学生保护动物、热爱大自然的情感。通过让学生一起喊口号的形式,活跃气氛,点明主题。

Blackboard Design Lesson8 Tigers and Bears

wolves wolf tiger

long short snake bear

Its ... is/are... 个性化的板书设计使得课堂充满了童真童趣。巧妙地把思维导图与板书相结合,突出了本课的重点,有助于学生对新知识的领悟与记忆,提高了学生的学习效率,促使学生形成系统学习和思维的习惯。
