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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级上册Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!下载详情
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Teaching methods: Group work ; Situational teaching method

Teaching preparation: PPT real objects

Teaching Procedures:

Step1: Greeting and Warming up.

Greet to the Students and sing a song :Happy New Year!


Step2:Lead in.

T: We know New Year. What is Chinese New Year? (Show two pictures about it)

Ss: It’s the Spring Festival.

So today we’ll learn lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming


Step3:New Concepts.

1:T: What do you do for the Spring Festival?(in Chinese or English) Ss:...

Let’s look at some pictures on the PPT.

1) T: Are these clothes new or old? Ss: They are new clothes. T: What do you do for the Spring Festival? Ss: We buy new clothes.

2) T: Guess:What do they do? They clean the rooms. What do you do for the Spring Festival? Ss: We clean our rooms. (floor)

3)We make dumplings.

4) We visit ourfamily and friends.

5)Kids get lucky money.

(设计意图:通过问问题:你们春节都做些什么?让学生用英语或汉语来说明春节都可以做些什么,引入买新衣服、打扫房间,包饺子,拜访亲朋好、孩子们收压岁钱等动词短语和句型!并让学生能在情境中通过此问句来回答,并解释also与kid的同义词。同时在板书时可以故意漏掉一个短语,让学生通过刚才所学,想一下 What is missing?从而来激发学生们的积极性。)


1)Read the phrases in different ways.(Single or group reading)

2)Ask and answer in pairs.

3)Play a game to practice the sentence structure.(击鼓传花)

3)Group work: Put the words into sentences。


Step5:Listen to the Dialogue and answer a question.

When is the Spring Festival this year?


Step6: Read the dialogue.
