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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版九年级下册Review of Unit 5下载详情
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1.Guide students to think about the value of life meaning.

2.Establish the correct values of life Explore the connotative meaning of the passage.

Step 1 Warm up:Greet for each other.

( 设计意图:让大家先动口,活跃课堂气氛。)

Step 2 Lead in

Listen to the songs and guess the same word among them.

( 设计意图:让大家动耳,动脑,引出话题:蝴蝶)

Step 3 Reading

Preparing: Use word bank and sentence bank to solve new words and difficult sentences.

Understand the passage by reading.

1. Where did the family finally decide to go?

A. Back home. B. To another island.

C. To a butterfly museum. D. To visit a friend at the museum.

2. How long does a butterfly live on average?

A. One day.B. A month. C. A few weeks.D. About ten days.

3. What did the guide think of butterflies?

A. She didn’t think butterflies could do anything for the world.

B. She really appreciated what the butterflies do for the world.

C. She felt pity for the butterflies that live such a short life.

D. She was surprised by the long lives of butterflies.

4. From the story, the writer tries to _____.

A. encourage people to make a difference in the world

B. introduce something surprising about life

C. advise people to visit the butterfly museum

D. tell us about the wonderful experience with her family

5.Find out the topic sentence.

( 设计意图:根据文章信息解决这些问题,本文语言难度低,基本没有文字层面上的理解难度,通过阅读,可使学生达成对文章的初步理解。本步骤以学生根据文本内容的理解,通过问答,引导学生逐步探讨文章的内涵。)

Step 4 Inquiring

1.View the video and discuss the following questions:

1).How do you like the butterflies?