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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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3) Aims of emotion:

To have a good time during the festivals.

II. Teaching focus and difficulties:

To talk about your favorite festival with your classmates.

III. Teaching methods

Task-based approach; Pair work; Group work

IV. Teaching aids


V. Teaching procedures

Teaching stepsTeacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesPurposesStep 1

Learning aimsShow learning aims

Look and remember.To know what we will master today.Step 2

Lead-inAsk students to watch a video and have a guess “What festival is it?”

Watch and guess.

Lead in the topic of festival.Step 3

Presentation1. Talk about how to celebrate Halloween with students and teach some new words.

2. Ask students to listen to the comic strip and answer some questions.

3. Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the comic.1.Talk with the teacher and learn.

2. Listen to the tape and answer.

3. Read and fill in the blanks.Learn some new words.

Learn the comic strip.

To know more about the comic.Step 4

Pair workAsk students try to act out the dialogue.Try to act it out.To improve the students’ abilities of speaking. Step 5

Presentation1. Show some pictures and learn more festivals and how to celebrate them. Then finish part A.

2. Ask students to listen to partB and answer some questions.

1.Learn about more festivals and how to celebrate them, then finish part A.

2.Listen & answer.

Learn about more festivals and the activities to celebrate them.

Step 6

Group workHave students work in groups to make a new dialogue to talk about their favourite festivals.Work in groups to make a new dialogue.

