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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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What ________(其他的)can you see in the picture?

We drink _________(大量的) milk every day.



Step1. Lead-in

1)Show a video of the presentation of the medals of Chinese players in the 2016 Olympic Games .

Lead-in the new lesson by asking some questions.

T: What is the video about? Did you watch it? What sports can we see in it? Revise the names of the games.

2)Show the pictures of the games and present the names of the sports. Tennis, swimming, table tennis. volleyball, football, basketball, running.

Step 2 .A guessing game

1)Show the pictures of different games to the students . Ask :What sport do they like?

2) Show the pictures of some famous players and revise the sentence structure:

…like/enjoy doing sth; is good at doing sth

Step3. Presentation

1.T: Mr Wu is asking his Ss about their favourite sports. Let’s listen to the conversation. Can you help Mr Wu write the correct letters in the boxes? OK! Try your best.

T: Mr Wu is writing some notes. He wants to introduce the sports his Ss like. Would you please help him?

2. Let’s listen to the conversation again. Please try your best to complete the notes in part A2.

T: Have you finished? Please check your answers first in pairs. Then we will check as a class.

Step 4.Practice

Let’s make a survey. You can ask your group mates something about their favourite sports. After that, please write a note to report to the whole class.

Step 5.Presentation

1.We know sports are good for us. They are fun, now, Sandy and Millie are talking about what they often do after school. Please listen to their conversation and find the answer to the questions.

What does Sandy often do after school?

What else does she like doing?

2.Listen again, then do true or false.

1)Music makes Sandy feel great.

2)Sandy also likes playing volleyball.

3)Millie likes listening to music.

4)Millie plays volleyball with friends.

5)Millie reads a lot of interesting books.
