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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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III. Teaching and learning methods:

Listening, speaking ,pair work,group work

IV Teaching aids:


V. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Speak out:What sports are they?

T: Today we’ll learn Integrated skills of Unit 2. Look at the pictures. Can you speak out names of the sports?

2. Free talk

T: It’s time for you to talk about sports with your partner.

A: What is your favourite sport? B: …

A: Do you often play it after school? B: …


Step 2 Presentation

1. Read and guess

What are their favourite sports?

2. Sum up the listening skills

Tip One: Try to guess the answers before listening.Tip Two: Pay attention to the key words.

Tip Three: Write the first letter of the word if time is limited.

eg: sswimming vvolleyball

3. Listen and choose

T: Mr Wu is asking his students about their favourite sports. Listen to the conversation and help him to write the correct letters in the boxes.

4. Ask and answer

T: Please talk about the students’ favourite sports in pairs. One asks, and the other answers.

A: What sport does … like? B: She/He likes …

5. Listen and complete

T: Listen again and help Mr Wu to complete his notes.


Step 3 Practice

1. Free talk
