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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: A brave young man下载详情

七年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Reading 1: A brave young man》集体备课教案下载-张家港市优质课

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Teaching procedures

StagesLearning activitiesTeaching purposePre-readingTalk about fire:

What can fire help us to do?

Fire is useful, but sometimes it’s dangerous.To arouse students’ interest

To elicit the topic of this lesson

Learn the new words with the help of

pictures , meanings and plots.

Symbols :rush, fireman, pour ,blanket

To know some easy ways to deal with fire and help to learn the article betterWhile-readingPredict the story according to the picture. To motivate students think activelySkim and scan the text.To grasp the general idea of the articleRead Para.1-2 carefully to find some basic information about Lin Tao and Mrs SunTo get the detailed information of the whole article

To cultivate the students’ reading comprehension and summarizing abilities Read Para.3 to get some verbs that Lin Tao used to help Mrs Sun

Retell what Lin Tao didRead Para.4-6 to find some details .

Guess the meanings of two ‘it’

Post-readingWork in groups to make a short play

To consolidate what is learnt in classHave a discussion

To be inspired of the moral lesson of the storyTalk about “I didn’t have time to think about it, Mrs Sun needed my help.”To be doubtful to the sentence in the course book HomeworkChoose one to do!

1.You are a radio host. Please interview Lin Tao.

2.You are a policeman. Please write a report about Lin Tao.


本课是牛津初中英语江苏译林版7B Unit7 Abilities Reading1,该班级为苏州地区一所农村中学的七年级学生,学生刚进入初中开始语音语调有很大缺陷,且大多数不敢主动讲英语。自进入我校后,对他们强调语音语调及开口讲英语的重要性。故平时加强老师走到学生中去,以朋友身份和他们用英语沟通,试着改变他们的内向心里。经过近一年的尝试,学生口语有了很大的改善,特别是敢于主动举手说。所以,本课中,我通过一个个的情境让学生来感受语言并促使他们运用所学语言到实际生活中;加强学生逻辑思维的培养,让他们敢于提出他们自己的想法。整节课,我以安全教育课的形式贯穿始终,并加以拓展。如:除了火之外,我们还有什么需要注意的。特别是对课本中 LinTao 所讲的一句话“I didn’t have time to think about it, Mrs Sun needed my help.”提出质疑:当别人遇到危险需要帮助时,我们是不是该不加思索冲上去?还是应冷静思考,对不同的情形做出更恰当的行为。同时让学生明白,帮助别人固然重要,但也要考虑个人能力和当时的实际情况,也许如司马光砸缸般思考一下会有更恰当的救人方式。

