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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Task: A report on an animal in danger下载详情
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Play a music video of Zootopia to help Ss relax themselves and get to know as many wild animals as possible.

Step1. Task1 Guess wild animals

Help Judy and Nick guess the answers to the puzzles given by Officer Benjamin, McHorn and Francy through Wechat.

Step2. Task2 Talk about wild animals

Judy and Nick only know some information about giraffes, elephants and bears. Help then to talk about the three kinds of wild animals with the help of the information.

Step3. Task3 Learn to report wild animals

Judy and Nick learn to report bears in danger.

First, help them learn about some information about bears on P66, then fill in the blanks in the report on P67, finally, analyse the structure of a report, which is the outline of the report they are going to write.

Step4.Task 4 Learn about how to protect wild animals in danger

Ss help Judy and Nick find some further information about how to protect wild animals, in this way ,they can write a better report than the one on bears.

Step5. Task 5 Write a report on an animal in danger

A. In order to learn a better way to write a report, Judy and Nick have to go to Flash,Nick’s best friend for help.Flash tells them they have to know six useful factors before writing an excellent report:

Factor1: a clear and correct structure

Factror2: right persons

Factor3: some proper tenses

Facotr4: useful expressions

Factor5: no missing main points

Factor:6: good handwrting

B. Ss in each group choose one of the pawpsicles to help Judy and Nick write parts of the report---Tigers are in danger

C. Ss help Judy and Nick read the report aloud to Host Panda in ZNN on TV.

D. Read the sample report for Judy and Nick

E. Summarise what a well- written report is.

Step6.Arise the awareness of wild animal protection

Being competent policemen in Zootopia, Judy and Nick help us know the importance of protecting wild animals in danger.To make the world a better place, we must take action to change the present situation from now on.

Step 7.Homework

1.Complete the rest of the report on tigers

2.Write a report on elephants in danger and email it to Lydia a



