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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Task: A report on an animal in danger下载详情
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To train team spirit through teamwork.

To realize the importance of protecting wild animals.

Teaching procedures:

Activity One: Know more about wild animals

Step 1 Enjoy some pictures

Step 2 Play a guessing game

Activity Two: Talk about our favourite wild animals

Step 1 Work in pairs to talk about the students' favourite wild animals


A: Which animal do you like best?

B: I like … best because they …

A: What do they look like?

B: They are … and have …

A: What food do they mainly live on?

B: They mainly live on …

A: Is it easy for them to live in the wild?

B: ... Hunters often catch them for their… and they don’t have…

Step 2 Talk about Miss Huang's favourite wild animal

Guess Miss Huang's favourite wild animal: What wild animal may Miss Huang like? Why?

Enjoy a video and get to know Miss Huang's favourite wild animal

Talk about bears: How much do you know about bears?

Read and complete

1. Read the information about bears on P66

2. Complete the report on P67

Read and get main idea of each paragraph

Read and find good words and expressions

1. Read the report, find and share good words and expressions

2. Let's compare

① A. Bears walk around slowly in the daytime.

B. Bears move around slowly in the daytime.

