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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Ss may have heard about some natural disasters in their daily life,but it’s hard for them to feel the pain in the disasters and it’s the first time for them to learn expressions about natural disasters, so I think creating a atmosphere is important and necessary for them ,most Ss have pity on people in the disasters, so encourage them cherish the life we have and help people in need.

Teaching objectives

Knowledge aims:

By the end of this class, Ss will be able to

a,grasp new words and phrases: earthquake, flood, rainstorm, snowstorm, sandstorm, thunder and lightning, village, coach, thousands of, wash away, mop, mop up, crash into.

b, grasp the main content in Part A and B.

Ability aims:

A,distinguish the differences between natural disasters and accidents.

B, talk about the natural disasters and their danger to humans briefly.

Emotional aims:

A,Humans should unit as one to overcome the disasters with our love and strong will.

Teaching important and difficult points

A, the words, phrases and expressions about the disasters.

B, find basic information about the disasters from the dialog and passage.

Teaching methods

Situational approach, Cooperative approach, Task-based approach

Learning strategies

Individual and cooperative

Teaching aids

A computer and a multi-media courseware, a blackboard

Teaching procedures and class activities:

Teaching steps

Teachers’ activities

Students’ activities

Intentions of the design

Step1 Lead-in

1,Show a video about the natural disasters around the world.

2,Lead to Unit8.

1,Watch the video.

2,Learn new word”disaster”.
