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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版八年级上册Unit 6 Nobody wins (I)下载详情
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StepsStudents’ activitiesTeacher’s activitiesPurposeStage 1



1. Look at some pictures and guess what they are and brainstorm what they look like.1. Show some pictures and ask "what are they?" "How do they look?"To lead out the words “alien” "different" "strange" and arouse the students' reading interest. 2. Predict to complete the story title by reading the picture and know the meaning of the new word 'explosion'.

2.Ask the students to predict the story title and read the picture for hidden information. To lead out the word "explosion" and develop the students' ability to predict from pictures before reading. Stage 2

While-reading Stage

1. Paragraph the story and find out the main characters through skimming the article. 1. Give the students 3 minutes to skim the article. To get the general idea of the story. 2.Read Scene I and answer the question what Tina noticed by understanding what the three its refer to.

2. Guide the students to pay attention to what these pronouns refer to. To practice looking for clues to understand the reference of pronouns. 3. Scan Scene II for details. 3. Remind the students to find details according to the verbs.To promote the ability to read for details.

4. Understand Scene III by reading behind the lines and role reading. 4. Ask the students to think about why the characters said so and how they felt when they were making the conversation.To check the understanding of Scene III. Stage 3

Post-reading Stage 1. Analyze the real meaning of the title.1. Help the students get to know the real meaning of the title.To elicit the 'twist" of the story.2. Look for proofs for which we know Tina and her family are different from human beings.2.Encourage the students to find supportive sentences according to specific requirements.To develop the students' ability to read behind lines. 3. Define the word "aliens" and understand the advice about how to deal with people who are different from themselves. 3. Give advice about how to deal with people who are different from themselves.

To help students understand the importance of looking at things and people differently. Stage 4

Assignments Finish Exercise A and B on p105.

Read the story again to find the similarities between Tina and you.

Make up Scene IV. (group homework)Explain the requirements.To check the understanding of the whole story and to practise writing through extending the story.


本节课的教学内容是More Practice,文本内容有趣,结局反转。在确定教学目标时我试图将阅读技能,如看图预测、分段与归纳段落大意、理解代词的指代、通过朗读理解人物话语背后的意思与享受阅读乐趣结合起来。所以在pre-reading部分我充分利用文本本身的图片鼓励学生大胆预测并将关键信息引出。在while-reading部分通过总分的阅读活动梳理文本。通过整体阅读到分段阅读,将阅读技能的训练与文本理解有机结合。在Post-reading部分,回归文本的题目,引导学生抓住"alien"的真正含义,并自己加以总结归纳,最后给出如何与自己不同的文化背景的人交往的建议,让学生得到高于文本理解的体会。整体而言,这节课的教学目标达成度高,学生能够真正领会文本,同时体验阅读科幻短文的乐趣。值得反思的是,在处理文本时我还是较为关注分解式地解读,对于整体阅读的把握欠缺,同时在分段时太过于框死学生,不够大胆地放手让学生通过整体阅读自己分析自己分段。在今后的教学中,我应该更多地从学生角度出发。