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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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4. Amy的歌唱课太忙而没看电视 Amy _____________________

5. 不要太激动而不能表达清楚自己。Don’t ___________________.

6. 活到老学到老。 You _____________________.

Step 2 Presentation

Present some pictures to learn the new words

Step 3 Listening

1. Listen and complete A1, then check the answers.

A1 Amy is talking with her cousin Shirley about signs used in public places. Listen to the first part of their conversation and help Shirley complete her notes.

Public signs:

Are used in public places

Often (1)________ in colours

Often have (2)_________ on them

Help explain things and give us useful information

Help us find our (3)________

Tell us about the (4)_______ around us

Keep us (5)______ from danger

Warn us (6)___________ something

2. Listen and complete A2, then check the answers.

A2 Listen to the second part of the conversation. Help Shirley write the missing information in the table below.

SignMeaningUsually seen SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT No smokingin(1)___________ SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT No photosin(2)___________ SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT No parkingin(3)___________ SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT No litteringin(4)___________

Step 4 Complete A3

1. Complete A3 and then check the answers.

A3 Shirley is writing a report on public sign. Help her complete her report on Page 73. Fill in the blanks with the information in Parts A1 and A2.

Public signs

We can see different public signs in places like (1) _________, (2) __________ , streets and (3) _______. They are often bright in colours and have (4) ________ on them.

Public signs help (5)________ things. Most of them give us (6)_______ information. They help us (7) ____________ tell us about the (8) ________________, keep us (9)___________ and warm us (10)___________________.

Here are some examples:

SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT (11)_________________

SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT (12)_________________

SHAPE ﹨* MERGEFORMAT (13)_________________

