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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. To learn about a volunteer project.

2. To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily lives.

IV. Teaching aids:

Multimedia, blackboard &chalk

V. Teaching procedures

A Working in a mountain area

Step 1 Lead-in (pre-listening)

1. Greeting

T: (showing some pictures)First, please look at the screen, what place is it?

T: It is our school. What do you think of our school?

T: Are the other children as lucky as us to study in a beautiful school?

Warming up

T: (showing some pictures of the children and their their school in poor areas) Waht can you learn from the pictures?

T: The children in poor areas need our help. Let’s be volunteers.

【设计意图:展示有关山区小学的图片, 从衣食住行等方面阐述山区学校学生的学习和生活状况,让学生从细微处体会山区孩子生活的艰难。】

To be a good volunteer

T: (After watching a video about a volunteers) Here are some questions about Liu Yin.

T: There are a lot of volunteers like Liu Yin. Andy is one of them.

Step 2 While-listening

1. Listen and choose

T: Let’s start with being a good listener. Peter’s cousin Judy is telling him about a volunteer

project. Listen carefully and help Peter choose the correct answers. You can find the questions

on P87 Part A1.

T: Let’s check answers.


T: We’ve learned something about Judy and her volunteer project. Can you guess the information?

what’s the school like?

Do all the students live near the school?

What subject does Judy teach there?

