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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Giving a helping hand下载详情
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? Children without parents

Step 2 Warming up

Get the students talk about: other people who need our help.

Earthquake survivors

Someone with a serious disease

Then present some new words: survivor, disease, operation.?

Step 3 Task

1. Listen to Part B on page 90 and answer the questions.?

? 1) What is wrong with Xiao Wei?

He has a serious blood disease.

2) What kind of help do his family need?

They need money for Xiao Wei’s operation.

3) How can we help Xiao Wei?

We can donate money.

Read after the tape,read freely and then ask some of the students to read the article

Read Peter’s letter and answer the questions.

? 1)How can we write a letter asking people for help?

2)How does Peter write such a letter?

3)What is the main idea of each paragraph in Peter’s letter?

4. Tell students the writing tips:?? Before writing, it’s necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points:

1). who needs help

2). how we can help

Step 4Translate Language points

1.生病住院 be ill in hospital

2 患有严重疾病 have a serious disease??

3.尽可能快的 as soon as possible? ?

4.失去生命,丧生 lose one's life??

5.人多力量大 Many hands make light work.

? 6.伸出援助之手 give a helping hand?

7.康复 get well?

