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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Green Switzerland下载详情
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1. Free talk

Before class, we enjoyed some beautiful views, Which country are they in?

Switzerland is one of my favourite countries. I am looking forward to visiting it some day. Can you give me some information about this country? What do you know about it?

Today we will read an article by a Swiss girl called Martina. What is the title? Switzerland is called “Green Switzerland”, do you know why?

2. Prediction

Predict what the article may be about.

What question do you have to ask Martina?1.Free talk with the teacher.

Answer the teacher’s questions and say what they have known about Switzerland.

2.Predict what the article is about and ask the writer questionsStep 2 While-reading

1. Skimming Ask the students to skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph and check the answers. skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Do B32. Scanning

Scan for a key word for each paragraph.

1.Beautify 2. Recycling 3. Laws 4. Energy 5. HopeScan for a key word for each paragraph3. Careful reading

Use hyperlinks to let the students choose the one they are interested in to learn more about.

About beauty: Play a video of Switzerland’s beautiful views.

Ask the students to describe its beauty.

find the sentence describing

Switzerland’s beauty. Say more about its beauty.

About recycling: Find the information for the two questions: What can be recycled? How are old clothes recycled?

About laws: What laws do they have? Fill in the blanks with proper words.

Ask someone to read Part4

About energy: Read and fill in a form.

About hope: Why does Martina write the article on June 5?

What is Martina’s hope?

Everyone can do something to make a difference.

Group work: discussion

Ask the students to have a discussion about what we can do to make a difference

1.Choose which one to learn more about

2.Enjoy a video and describe Switzerland’s beauty.

3. Find the answers to the questions about recycling and laws.

4. Fill in a form about energy.

