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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Green Switzerland下载详情
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Step 4 Listen and answer

Is Switzerland a beautiful country ?

What is their greatest treasure ?

Step 5 Practice(T/F)

Switzerland doer not have high mountains.______

Many things are separated into different groups and then recycled._______

Martina`s family and Martina often throw away their old jeans and T-shirts._____

They are allowed to drop litter in public and cut down trees._______

They are laws to limit air and water pollution ._______

Step 6 Practice

1. Do Part B2 on page 110.

2. Check the answers.

3 Do Part B3 on page 111

Check the answers.

Step 7 Listen and answer

1. Listen to Reading and answer the following questions.

1.) What is Switzerland like?

2.) What do people there try to do?

3). What can be recycled in Switzerland?

4.) What does Martina’s family do with their old clothes?

5). Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment?

6.). What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?

7.)Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment?

8.) What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?

Step 8 Practice

1. Do Part B4 on page 111.

2. Check the answers.

Step 9 Free talk

Work in groups and talk about the ways to live a green life.

A: What should we do to live a green life?

