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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Green Switzerland下载详情
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准备PPT教 学 设 计教 师 指导、参与、帮助学生Step 1 Before-reading

1. Free talk

T: What do you think of when we talk about Switzerland?

Why do we call Switzerland “Green Switzerland”?

T: According to the study of Yale University, Switzerland is the second greenest country in the world.

2. Prediction

T: What is the article about?

Step 2 While-reading

1. Skim

T: Skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Switzerland is a beautiful country

Paragraph 2: People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution.

Paragraph 3: The government has laws to protect the environment.

Paragraph 4: People are starting to use new energy.

Paragraph 5: Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment.

T: Work out the structure of the article.

Part 1 (Paragraph 1): description of green Switzerland

Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-4): the ways to make the country green

Part 3 (Paragraph 5): hope

2. Scanning

T: Scan Paragraphs 2-4 to find the three methods to keep Switzerland green.

Present more ways that the Swiss use to keep their country green.

3. Careful reading

T: Enjoy a video about the green and beautiful country.

Paragraph 1

T: Read the first paragraph and have a discussion:

(1) What’s the usage of the sentence “we should try to keep it that way”?

(This is a lead-in sentence.)

(2) What does “that way” mean?

Paragraph 2

