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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Green Switzerland下载详情
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Ss: Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.

Teacher: Kitty’s online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland. She’s writing in her blog on World Environment Day. Let’s read her article to find out more information.


探究活动一 Pre-reading

Teacher: When’s World Environment Day?

Students: World Environment Day is 5 June.

Finish the exercise of B1. Check the answers.


探究活动二 While –reading

Teacher: I’d like you to tell you more about Switzerland. Listen carefully and answer the questions. (Play the tape of Paragraph 1.)

What is Switzerland like?

(Switzerland is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.)

What do people there try to do?

(They try to keep their country beautiful and clean.)

Play the tape of Paragraph 2 and 3, let the students read after the tape.

What can be recycled in Switzerland?

( Things like glass, plastic, paper, old clothes and shoes can be recycled.)

What does Martina’s family do with their old clothes?

( They send their old jeans and T-shirts to an organization for recycling.)

Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment?

( Yes, it does. It has many laws to protect the environment.)

What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?

(You will be fined by the police.)


探究活动三 Post-reading

Play the tape of Paragraph 4 and 5. Students read them together and discuss the following questions.

What are the new ways to get energy?

( To get energy from the sun, wind and water.)

What are the advantages of these new types of energy?

(They cost very little and will never run out. Also, they produce litter pollution.)

