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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Green Switzerland下载详情
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groups and then recycled.

For example, we are not allowed to cut down trees.

If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police.

We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect wisely.

These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out.

Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!

2. 通过图片、标题和上下文猜测课文大意。

3. 了解瑞士的环保措施;增强学生保护环境的意识。




Step 1. Lead-in

Have a free talk about Switzerland.

e.g. What’s the full name of Switzerland?

Where does it lie?

What’s the capital/size/population of Switzerland?

What languages do people in Switzerland speak?

What’s Switzerland famous for?

Step 2. Pre-reading

1. Enjoy a short video about Switzerland and learn some new words and phrases.

2. Do the exercises about the new words and phrases on Page 110.

3. Complete the short passage by using the new words.

Step 3. While-reading

1.Watch the video and answer the two easy questions:

① When is World Environment Day?

② What new energy is mentioned in the blog?

2. Read the article aloud and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

3. Divide the article into three parts and learn Part two more carefully to finish the tree diagram.

1) Read Para2 after the tape and answer two questions:

① What can be recycled in Switzerland?

