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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Reading 1:People who are happy with their jobs下载详情
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We think he has many strong qualities for this position.

We hope that you agree with us

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Describe a person with adjectives and examples;

2. Use the spidergram to organize the ideas when writing.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step1 Lead in

1. A guessing game

T: In this unit, we have learned a lot of words about personality. Let’s play a game to see if you have remembered them. I will give you some phrases or pictures, and tell me which words they describe. I hope you can give me the response quickly.

2. Guess: Who is he/she?

T: She is hard-working. She is willing to work extra hours. She often does operations for about 10 hours a day. She is a character in our book. Who is she?

S: She is Fang Yuan.

T: Now, describe one of your classmates like this, and others guess who he/she is.

【设计意图:设置猜词游戏,复习已学词汇,为之后的对话写作活动做好铺垫。通过Who is he/she?活动,检测学生对词句的掌握情况,同时激发学生的学习热情,活跃课堂气氛。】

Step 2 Presentation

Make a spidergram of Jackie Chan

T: What do you think of Jackie Chan?

S: …

T: Yes. He has many good personal qualities. Can you give me some examples to support your ideas? I’ll give you some pictures to help you. Then, make up a dialogue with your partners like this:

S1: What do you think of Jackie Chan?

S2: He is hard-working.

S1: You mean he works hard, right?

S2: Yes.

S1: Can you give me an example?

S2: Of course. He has played in more than 100 movies.

T: Now, look at the spidergram. It helps us organize the ideas clearly.


Step 3 Practice

1. Finish the recommendation on Page19 according to the spidergram

2. Check the answers together and read the letter by oneself

