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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Task: The art form I like best下载详情
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T: Last week, we reviewed Unit5 Art World. We reviewed many kinds of art forms. What’s your favourite art form? Yes, music! So I led you to learn to sing an English song.

Play the first two pars of the song Seasons in the sun for students to listen and sing along with.

T: Today we are going to learn the third part of the song. However, they are some tasks needed to be finished before you start to learn to sing this part.

Step 2 Task1---A cloze test

Present the lyrics of the third part with some blanks and choices

for students to do a cloze test first as following:


Goodbye Michelle my little one

You gave me love and helped me find the ______ A. fun B. sun C. way

And every time that I was _______ A. lonely B. afraid C. down.

you would always come _______ A. round B. around C. here

And get my feet back on the ground

Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die

When all the birds are singing in the sky

Now that the spring is in the air

With the ______every where 4. A. songs B. laughter C. flowers

I wish that we could ______ be there A. always B. both C. right

Ask students to choose the answers according to the context first. Then play the song of this part for students to listen and check their answers.

Step 3 Task2---Background Information

Ask students to find out the conjunctions from the lyrics first. Then have students complete the background information of the song with these conjunctions. Fill in each blank and study the background at the same time. In this way, students can have a better understanding of the song.

Step 4 Task3----Translation of the lyrics

Anyway, it’s a great song with beautiful lyrics, melodies and scenes. It is just like a poem, though a sad poem. Let’s study and enjoy some beautiful lyrics of the song. Please do some translation







It’s hard to die.

Check the answers with students.
