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aimsknowledgeMaster some new words and phrases

Get a general understanding of the articleskillsGiving opinions on your favourite paintingemotionDevelop interest in art; learn to cooperate with each other.Important pointsHow to show likes and dislikesDifficult pointsHow to give opinions Teaching methodTask-based method; Ask and answer;Learning methodDiscussion; scanning; skimming;Teaching aidsMulti-mediaTeaching proceduresⅠ Greetings

Ⅱ Teaching Procedure

1. Lead in

Translate some sentences:

He is known as one of the greatest 20th-century artists in China.

He had a talent for drawing as a little boy.

Everyone is impressed with his paintings.

He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.

2. Check the vocabulary

3. Reading

(1) Fast reading

Task 1 Look through the text to choose what are mentioned in the text.

Task 2 Read the passage quickly and match paintings l--4 with descriptions in paragraphs A—D in Activity 2 on P32.

Task 3. Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraphs E and F

(2)Careful Reading

Task 1. Read Para A--D again and try to fill in the table.

Task 2. Read Para E—F and decide whether the statement is True or False and correct the mistakes.

Task 3. Read Para E - F again , and underline some words or phrases about Likes and Dislikes:

4. Group work

How to show your opinion:

Ⅲ. Sum up

What have we learnt this class?

VI. Homework

1. Look through the language points in the book by yourself