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师梦圆高中英语教材同步外研版选修6Reading and vocabulary下载详情
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选修6《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课教案优质课下载

Leading-in:to ask the students some questions about their own experience.

Learning new lesson:

Step I:

Play the recording of part 1 to the students and ask the students to answer the questions for Part 1.

They can have a discussion if necessary.

Step II:

Play the recording of part 2 to the students and ask them to answer the questions for Part 2.

They can have a discussion if necessary.

Step III:

Ask more questions to make the students connect their daily experience with the content of the novel and try to find ways to solve their problems in life.

Step IV:


Step V:


Answer the questions about their own experience

Read part 1 and answer the questions

Read part 2 and answer the questions.

To think more about their behavior in their daily life and answer the questions from teacher.

Use daily experience to arouse the students’ interest

To know the main idea of part 1 and think more about the novel.

To find more inner meaning of each character.

To lead the students to understanding the ways to help others and have more thinking about their behavior.

To make students reflect on their improper behaviors in their daily life and make changes.

板书设计Frankenstein’s Monster

-----WHO is the Monster?