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Time proceduresT’s activitySs’ activityIntention5’Warming up1. Let students exchange the information they get before class

2. Quiz timeExchange the information they get in class

2.Take a quiz about the common knowledge of Antarctica Make preparations before class,and have the chance to exchange

2.To rouse ss’ interest in the text5’Pre-readingGive ss’ a word test

2. Scan the passage,find the title for each passage1.Do the word test and gain scores for their team

2.Choose the title ,grasp the key words1.Prepare the words and phrases for later reading and motivate their team spirit

2. To improve ss’ reading ability25While-reading Let ss’ read passage1﹨2 in pair

Group work. Guide ss’ to pick out the key words by drawing mind-map,and give each group 3 minutes to present their tasks.

3. Emphasize some important words and expressions

4.Let ss’ read passage3-5 in silence,then ask questions

51. Read the passage belonging to their group in pairs

Draw mind-maps through team work, choosing one to present in front,showing to others what’s in the passage

Pay attention to some words usages

4. Read in silence, and find the answers to the questions.

1. Practice reading and be familiar with the passage, preparing for later team work.

2. To develop ss’ to use mind-map to pick out and help to memorize information

Learn through cooperation

To prepare ss’ words for later usage

4. To improve ss’ reading ability,experiencing the efforts all the people make together and arouse their motivation to protect9Post-reading Show them some websites making effort to spread information and protectWrite a composition for a website To strengthen ss’ command of language

To develop ss’ awareness of protecting Antarctica1Assignment Read on the Internet o know more about Chinese scientific exploration.

Finish the writing composition