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1、美文呈现: 在多媒体演播厅大屏幕上显示全文,便于学生阅读,可分段出现。(教师、学生可能没有教材)

2、提出问题:what can help to turn failure into success? keys may be: determination、perseverance、bravery、courage、a sense of duty、strong will.

3、文章解读:(1)、标题How failure became success , “how”既是问题,又是解决方式,“failure”与“success”反义的两个名词体现了对称、对比之美,“became”揭示了转变的过程。简洁明了。


画面一:On 8th August,1914,27 men who had replied to an advertisement in The Times boarded a ship leaving for the Antarctic.The name of the ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackleton.直奔主题,以时间起笔,昭示文章以时间为主线, boarded a ship 点明当时最平常的交通工具 ,leaving for the Antarctic.用伴随状语揭示此行目的地。27 men指明团队人数多,who had replied to an advertisement in The Times 用一个定语从句提示团队背景,用过去完成时态和介词短语表明信息来源,行动之前已充分理解,并作出了对媒体的积极回应,进一步介绍了船的名字“耐力号”暗示此行之艰难。故事的主角是船长Ernest Shackleton.指出了国籍,关乎国家个人荣辱。切入点准、快,主次、层次分明。

画外音:The aim of the journey was to cross the frozen continent via the South Pole – journey of 1,800 miles.Shackleton thought the journey would last six months.via the South Pole 找到穿越尘封大陆的切入点,计划周详。一个破折号言犹未尽,漫长的1800里路程,船长估计会有六个月的持续航行,做好了足够的心里准备。

画面二:But when land came into sight,the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up.Shackleton and his men watched the Endurance sink into the icy sea.They then headed north,pulling three lifeboats behind them.一个but故事情节急转直下,顺联when land came into sight时间状语,希望就在眼前,灾难接踵而至,“耐力号”陷入了自然界的冰雪困境之中,并且开始解体,用watched传神地表现了Shackleton和他的团队眼睁睁看着“耐力号”沉入冰海之中。他们做出的第一次选择就是调整方向,headed一词准确表达了用脑思考的结果,生命是最宝贵的,pulling three lifeboats behind them伴随状语形象地表现了在极端情况下保全性命的措施,三条救生船紧紧相连。

画面三:After six days,bad weather forced them to give up and the men set up camp on a sheet of ice which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.

They survived on the ice for five months.Then,on 16th April,1915,Shackleton saw land.It was Elephant Island – large rock with nothing growing on it,but much better than a floating piece of ice.When they reached the island,Shackleton came up with an idea – it was a risk but he would have to take it.He and five men would take one of the lifeboats,and sail 800 miles to South Georgia,where there was a permanent camp.They could then return to rescue the rest of the men.这一部分是故事发展的高潮,人在自然环境面前既渺小又伟大,forced展示了恶劣天气的威力,坚持了六天,不得不放弃第一次选择。自然界也是人类可依靠的伙伴,他们在一块小小的浮冰上建立营地,定语从句which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.生动地表达了在刹那间的一丝希望,开始慢慢朝既定目标南极圈移动。并且他们还在这块冰上生存了五个月时间,生存与发展得以延续,Then,on 16th April,1915,这是一个值得记忆的日子,Shackleton 的英雄形象跃入我们的眼帘。他看见了“新大陆”。

这一段的描写最为精彩,先是长镜头展示大象岛的全景,短镜头聚焦岛的细节,一个破折号提示是一块寸草不生的岩石,与浮冰比起来,无异于天堂地狱,他们迫不及待地登上了岛屿,Shackleton做出了石破天惊的决定,在放弃与坚持之间做出了冒险的选择。这为故事的发展埋下了伏笔,设置了悬念。He and five men would take one of the lifeboats,and sail 800 miles to South Georgia,where there was a permanent camp.They could then return to rescue the rest of the men.就是和团队中的五个人朝接近当初目标的南乔治亚岛进发,状语从句提示那里有一个永久营地,到达之后可以返回拯救其余的团队成员,这是在非常时期做出的为梦想而坚持、暂时放弃部分成员的迫不得已的举动,这也是文章留给每个人的思考。

画面四:It took Shackleton 17 days to reach South Georgia.Unfortunately he landed on the wrong side of the island,and had to walk 36 hours over mountains to reach the camp.The whale hunters all the camp could not believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking down from the mountains.这一部分写出了Shackleton的不易,仅到达南乔治亚岛就花费了17天时间,Unfortunately 前后对比,登岛还上错了方向,不得不花费36个小时翻越山顶到达营地,那些见证人一群捕鲸者都不相信自己的眼睛。

画面五:Shackleton kept his promise.More than three months later,he returned to Elephant Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to abandon.He had failed to reach the pole – but he had saved the lives of all his men。故事的结尾精彩Shackleton 实现了诺言,三个月后返回大象岛拯救他曾经不得不放弃的全体成员,虽然到达南极的目标失败,但在绝境之中挽救了团队成员的生命,上演了绝处逢生的好戏,创造了转败为胜的奇迹。

