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The important points : make the students learn the skill of finish a cloze test

教学过程 teaching procedures

Step 1 lead - in After exchanging greetings , analyse the situation of close test in the college entrance exam and at the same time explain the importance of this class , which will help the students learn to answer it

设计目的 明确完型填空在高考中的地位 , 知道本节课的重要性

Step 2 learning tasks presentation

Analyse the key to finishing this task : learn about how the author make up a cloze

They will intercept an article from a famous website abroad , which is about 300 words . and dig 20blanks according to the following rules :

to test the words including noun , verb , adj , prep and their phrases

To test the basic grammar

To test the technique of finishing a cloze test

To test the common sense in life

设计目的 指导对方怎么出题 ,做到心中有数

Learn about the techniques of finishing the cloze test

1 scan the whole passage quickly and understand the general ideas of the text .

2 attach importance the first sentence of the text and make ourselves involved in it .

3 any blank is a detail , which must have a way to explain in the text to explain it

4 you must pay attention to the logical when you answer it

1 pay attention to the part of speech 2 pay attention to the coordinating conjunction

3 pay attention to find the same part of speech in the same paragraph , which will help you aware of the range of the correct answer

At the same time1 whey you fill in a noun , you must pay attention to the same words or similar words in the same paragraph 2 verb marks how something happened . 3 adj and adv shows the attitude of the author

And then do some exercise to consolidate the techniques and ask the students to discuss them in groups :

设计目的 明确答题策略 做到有的放矢

Step 3 specific exercise

The fisrt logic : pay attention to the reappearance of the words

1she usually helps mom with housework on weekends and mom praises her for her __