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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块一 Module I Teenage experiencesReading(2):Dying to be thin…下载详情
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《Reading(2):Dying to be thin…》公开课教案优质课下载





Teaching aims:

Language skills:

1. Help students to understand the three e-mails—Amy’s happy and sad experience of losing weight, Zhou Ling’s concerns and advice to Amy.

2.The students’ interest will be stimulated in learning English by taking part in various activities.

3.Help students improve reading abilities.

4.Design different activities to improve students self-study,cooperation and exploration abilities.

Process and methods:

Firstly, show a micro-class concerning ways of losing weight and keeping in shape to help students understand health is more important than losing weight.Make three videos of interview among students to lead in.

After that, train the students to skim and scan the text quickly.Then let students guess the meaning of the title and learn to predict what the reading material will deal with.

Third,in the first e-mail,design different listening,reading activities to help students understand the reading materials efficiently. Mind map and flow chart are used to help students understand the text better to get related detailed information. In the second email,get students to watch a flash movie.After that, let students find out the most important information and finish T or F questions.In the thrid e-mail, students are required to read the email freely.Design a short passage to consolidate the skills of dealing with grammatical blanks to deepen students’ understanding of the reading materials.

Last but not least, a short play is adopted to improve students’ comprehensive abilities.Emotional education is used to help student understand we should have the right attitude toward ourselves,especially beauty and health.

Emotion, attitude and values:

1.Help students understand they should accept themselves and “Nothing is more important than health”.

2.Help students to set a right concept of life--Be healthy, happy and lovely!


Teaching important points:

1.How to help students to understand the three emails by using different reading skills and activities.

2.How to help students understand ‘Nothing is more important than health’.

?Teaching difficult points:

1.How to cooperate with partners to understand the three emails.

2.How to act out Amy’s experience in the short play.
