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模块十 Module X Understanding society《Project(1): Making a classroom poster》集体备课教案优质课下载

Step 3 Fast reading (skimming)

In what order is the article organized?

Step 4 Deep reading

Scan each passage, focus on the detailed information of the Romany and find out some key words and sentences about reading strategy.

Asian origins

Where did the Romany first come from?

How many varieties of language do they have now?

How many Romany people are there all over the world?

A travelling culture

Many people often refer to the Romany as .

Main characteristic:

The Romany’s culture is rich and .

Romany right?

Find out a sentence that covers the content of the two paragraphs.

Try to analyze the function of the sentence.

Future relations

The topic of the Romany will continue to be and the peace between them and many European is at best.

Step 5 Conclusion

Step 6 Writing (reflection)

这是给联合国秘书长的一封信,呼吁联合国各组织和机构在根除种族偏见和种族歧视中发挥更大的作用。请根据已给出内容续写2-3段,可包括:种族偏见和种族歧视的现状; 危害性;呼吁和建议等。

注意:运用一到两种课文中使用到的写作技巧(如: 主题句、支持句;承上启下;however…)

Dear General Secretary of the United Nations,

I’d like to be grateful to you and the organization and institutions under you for the great efforts you have made for years in removing racial prejudice and discrimination.


