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必修3《Literature Spot 3 Frankenstein》新课标教案优质课下载

1 Train the students’ reading ability.

2 Understanding the passage exactly.

Teaching difficult point:

How to improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching methods:

1 scanning and skimming

2 Individual, pair, or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching aids:

A multimedia classroom; the blackboard

Teaching procedures:

StepI Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

StepII Leading-in and pre-reading

1 Use some posters to arouse the students’ interest in the passage and introduce the background of Frankenstein.

2 Have students read the passage, then listen to two extract listening materials to identify the two main characters of the novel-Frankenstein and monster and their relationship.

StepIII While-reading

Read the text again and do some exercise,

1 Fill in the character relationship structure.

2 Get the ides of five parts of the story.

3 Make the sentences from a to g in right order.

StepIV Post-reading

Do you feel sorry for the monster? Try to understand the monster feelings.

StepV Discussion (see a short video of the film-Frankenstein)

1 What makes the monster from a good man to evil.

2 What is the moral of the story?