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必修4《Lesson 1 A Material World》新课标教案优质课下载

Teaching difficulties: To review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.

Teaching Aids: computer

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up:

T: Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not (show some pictures)

S: T: What can money buy?

S: T: What can’t money buy?

S: T: money can make you get something you need. In material world, money is important but remember money is not everything many evils come from greed for money. Not all people care about money for example “Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don’t” says Charles Gray Why does he say so?


Listen to the tape and Read the article. Do the exercise2 Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI) Read the text aloud then answer the questions.

1.Charles Gray was a rich businessman.

2.He has not a stove in his dormitory.

3.He has got a vegetable garden.

4.Charles gave his money away to poor people.

5.People thought he was drunk when he gave away small bank notes in the street.

6.He was happier when he was rich.

Answers:1F 2.IN 3.T 4. T 5.IN 6.F

III .Careful reading T: Now let us read the text and you will know why there are such people that don’t want to be a millionaire. Then ask the students to answer the question.

1. What was Charles’ life like in the past?

2. Why didn’t Charles want to be a rich man?

3. How did he deal with his money?

4 How about his life now?

5. How does he feel now? good or bad? Discussion How do you treat the thing?

Ⅳ Correct mistakes

1. Becoming a millionaire seem to be a lot of people’s dreams.