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Teaching Important and difficult Points:

1. Master reading strategies to deal with problems in reading comprehension.

a. Fill in the blanks based on the context.

b. Figure out the structure on their own.

2. Recognize the changes in job areas and learn to make a career planning.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Lead-in

1. Ask the students the question: Do you want to be a teacher? Why? .

2. Present some job areas for students to have a discussion.

a. What job area would you like to devote yourself to in the future? Why?

b. What job areas do you think are becoming more and more important?

--- The service industry, the media and IT industry are booming.

Step2. Self-study checking

1. Vocabulary. Improve students’ ability to guess the meaning of the new words only based on the sentences and the context.

2. Reading strategy. Develop students’ ability to solve the problems in Reading Comprehension using reading strategies.

Step3. Further understanding

1. Group activity: Find the topic sentence or get the main idea of each paragraph and then discuss the structure of the passage.

2. Analyze the structure of the passage and further understand the details in each part.

Step4. Self-reflection

1. Discussion: What skills and qualities are useful for us to get a good job in the future?

2. List the skills and qualities and then make suggestions.

Step5. Summary & Consolidation

1. To revise the whole passage and new words, a summary of the text with some blanks for

students to fill in.

2. One more paragraph for students to think of their future career and practise their writing.