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《Lesson 2 Endangered Species》集体备课教案优质课下载

To voice students’ opinions about protecting the endangered animals.

To call on Ss’ to do their bit.

Important and difficult points

To listen to a lecture for key and specific information.

To voice Ss’ opinions about protecting the endangered species.

Teaching procedures

Step1 Lead-in ( Pre-listening)

1. Show some pictures of endangered species and memorize them in the given time.

2. learn some new words

conservation: the protection of natural things (such as animals, plants , forests) from being spoiled or destroyed

extinct: not existing

habitat: the natural home of a plant or animal

preserve: to save something from being harmed

3. Complete the sentences with the key words.

1). An animal’s _________is the type of area that it lives in.

2). If we are not careful ,the panda will become ______and our children will only see them in books.

3). It is important to ______forests because otherwise a lot of animals will have nowhere to live.

4). I am working on a ______ project. We are trying to save the panda.

Step2 While-listening

Listen to a lecture. I’ll divide the lecture into 3 parts and complete the tasks.

Task 1 Listen to the lecture to get the main idea and answer the question :which of the endangered animals are mentioned?

A 1. panda F 2. Yangze dolphin E 3. crested ibis

C 4. snow leopard B 5. tiger D 6. Yangze alligator

Task 2 Listen to part 2 and 3 and complete the factfile 1, 2.
