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必修1《Using LanguageⅡ》教案优质课下载

The students have good knowledge and can easily hold what the teacher teaches them. They can communicate with each other in easy English and express their own ideas fluently. They have a good command of grammar and sentence patterns and can use the English language smoothly.

Teaching aims


Learn to use the sentence patterns to express one’s views, like “I think…”, “I believe…”, “I suggest…”.

During writing, students can use the connecting words correctly, like “For one thing… for another…”, “besides”, ”what’s more”, “in addition”.


Through cooperation study, students can know how to write a complecated composition and evaluate other group’s composition.

Students are encouragesd to think and talk about friendship by using some words, phrases and structures.

Emotional value:

Students can learn how to give advice on their friends’problems.

Students may form the good habit of learning English, especially English writing.

Teaching important points

Evaluate each group’s composition to find the god points and the weak points

Summarize the words, phrases, and connecting words that can be used in this kind of composition

Teaching difficult point

Discuss with group members to evaluate the compositions

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching and learning

Cooperative learning


Teaching aids

Multimedia teaching tools and blackboard

Teaching procedures

Step1. Lead-in and warming up

Before the lesson, the teacher can arouse the students’ interests by showing a video. After the video, the teacher asks some questions about friendship.