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必修2《Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending》集体备课教案优质课下载

Part 3.The analysis of teaching aims

Knowledge aims

Students can master the key words and phrases of this lesson.

Ability aims

Develop students’ reading and organizing skills

Emotion aims

Students can state and conclude the effect that Internet brings to school by discussing.

Through the class, it is hoped that students can be more curious about Internet and inspire them on creativity.

Part 4. Analysis of teaching important and difficult points

students’ reading and information processing ability of organization can be improved after studying the history of computer.

Get to know the development of computers and all kinds of types and uses of computers.

Part 5. Analysis of teaching methods

Task-based method

Multimedia method

Communicative method

Part 6. Analysis of teaching aids

The blackboard, the recorder and the Multimedia

Part7.Analysis of teaching procedure

Step 1: Greetings and leading in

Task 1: Guessing game(5’)

Let students guess the words by showing several attractive sentences.

?(This part aims to introduce the topic today and arouse students’ interest about the computer. Showing photos about different kinds of computer to the students will cultivate their’ enthusiasm to the reading text.)

Step2: Pre-reading

Task 2: Preparing and sharing(Individual and Group work 5’)

1)How much do you know about computers? (Make a survey)
