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《Learning about Language》集体备课教案优质课下载

(1)The object and its parts,contents 物品及相关配件

Network﹨ web﹨ mouse﹨ keyboard﹨

(2)Applications﹨uses 用途

mathematical problems ﹨ communication﹨ finance ﹨ trade﹨ medical operations

(3)Verbs and verb phrases 关于用途的动词表达

To simplify difficult sums ﹨ to solve difficult mathematical problems ﹨ be put into robots ﹨ to provide human with a life of high quality ﹨ be important in communication and finance

(4)Development﹨Crescendo 发展变化

Calculate machine ﹨ analytical machine ﹨ PC ﹨ laptop ﹨ tablet PC

Revolution ﹨

Compounds﹨ cliches 常用套话

to download information from the Internet ﹨ to surf the Internet

2.To enable the students to describe the developmental process of computers by using the sequence of order


Activities 活动

Step1. warming-up

What is in my bag 猜测游戏:我的包里是什么

(1)Have the tablet PC thickly wrapped with newspaper in a bag.

(2)Write some sentences starters on the board:

I think...﹨ it’s ..., definitely﹨ it’s probably...﹨ it could be...﹨it can’t be﹨ it might be...

Students see and feel the object through the bag and speculate about what it is, using the sentences given on the screen.

Elicit words for its shape. Write them on the screen.

Elicit words for its texture. Write them on the screen.

Keeping the tablet PC in the bag, remove the newspaper. Let the students feel again. Write the following sentences on the screen:

If it was a book, it’d could be bent.

If it was laptop, it’d be larger.