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学生通过阅读此文一方面可以拓宽知识面和视野,另一方面可以为尝试仿写记叙、描述类文章提供语言知识储备,从而能够地道地表达个人情感。教学目标语言知识通过语境,掌握文章重点词汇及短语:reflect, pure, offshore, cell, become aware of, vivid, seaweed, narrow, sea-slug, turtle, eel, sharp, tasty, giant, clam, steep, etc;句型:1. a day of pure magic; 2. It was the most fantastic thing I have ever done; 3. extraordinary beauty; 4. My heart was beating wildly; 5. Every cell in my body woke up; 6. It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.语言技能运用通过创设情境的语言活动帮助学生将已学习的知识转化为技能,从而培养其对本文基本内容的建构和语言综合运用能力。情感态度学会并运用所学语言知识,在生活交际、日常写作中表达情感。学习策略运用任务学会运用阅读基本技能寻读、解构、归纳概括文本基本信息,从而达到深层次阅读。


1)Situational Approach(情境教学法)2)Communicative Approach(交际法)

3)Task-based Approach(任务教学法)教学辅助教材,学案,电脑,课件,黑板,粉笔等 = 1 ﹨ ROMAN I Teaching objectives (教学目标)

In this class, students will:

To know the general ideas of the text;

To learn some useful reading skills;

Be able to apply useful expressions in writing.

= 2 ﹨ ROMAN II Teaching Important/Difficult Points (教学重难点)

Students will apply certain reading skills to grasp the general information of the text;

Students will be able to apply useful expressions to describe their personal lives.

= 3 ﹨ ROMAN III Teaching /Learning Methods(教学方法)

Situational Approach, Communicative Approach, Task-based Approach

= 4 ﹨ ROMAN IV Teaching Procedures (教学步骤)

Step 1. Review & Lead-in

Greet students and ask Ss to watch a short piece of video about the world under the sea, and answer the following questions.

Question 1: What do you think of the world under the sea?

Question 2: Do you know the sea creatures?

Question 3: Would you like to go on a snorkelling trip in the deep ocean?

Step 2.Reading for general information

Task 1 Read the title and pictures of the text and predict the content of it.

Question: From the title and pictures, what do you think the text is mainly about?

Students will be instructed the function of titles and pictures.

Task 2 Get the main idea of the text.

Ask students to read A New Dimension of Life. After reading, students will complete the main idea by filling in the blanks.